97-04 C5 Sport Seat Bladders
To purchase Seat Bladders: https://www.corvettepartscenter.com/products/seat-lumbar-support-bladders-1998l-2004-corvette
Product Installation Video:
[Music] welcome to C&S Corvette's its Lyle here on my weekly podcast I have some exciting news I want to share with you guys today from time to time we do develop and put out new products that we manufacturer have manufactured for the Corvette that fixes problems that GM doesn't address and we also teach you how to do the fix so that you can utilize those parts safely and efficiently what I'd like to introduce you to today is in front of me I have the 1997 to 2004 Corvette sport seat lumbar bladder kit okay lumbar bladder is that little inflatable sack behind your back and on either side of your abdomen that when you have sports seats and you move those switches they inflate and they deflate a lot of people who aren't the original owners of seat fives and bought them used have no idea that this actually exists because these bags went bad about three years after the car was born the real problem was in the original design these plastic nipples turn yellow crumbled and fell apart and obviously when you have crumbled nipples you have a real problem plus you don't hold back so we reengineering ours ours will not have that issue and entirely possible that your pump and your regulator and everything works great you just have nothing to inflate in your seat replacing these takes about 20 minutes next week I'll be shooting a video with a full crew here professional video to show you how to do that yourselves and the good news is these are available for $109 delivered to your door per seat now compare that to the existing one on the market that has this great big plastic thing with it for a hundred and sixty so the same four bags except ours are better and this for a hundred sixty bucks is a piece of plastic okay it's made out of the same stuff that a milk jug is made out of and these don't go bad all you have to do is take these little tabs and slide them onto here and you've installed your new bladders okay
2:10 [Lyle goes Thug Life]
so didn't do that part because you don't need it and it cost too much money simple our bags are guaranteed and we're very proud of them so if you have a need for these or if you have questions about how they work or even if you have them in your car give me a call at nine four one nine two three five zero six four or toll-free at 800-886-5064 or as always you can catch me at lyle@corvettepartscenter.com www.CorvettePartsCenter.com thanks for listening