A Corvette Secret I Just Learned Today! C4 - C7
Video Transcript: hello everybody welcome back to Lyle's Friday podcast from C&S Corvettes. As you can see I'm not in the studio today I'm actually sitting outside the shop in our c6 convertible because i learned something today about corvettes that i didn't know in in 22 years i never knew this and when i found out today i was really kind of shocked so i wanted to take the time to come out here film this and explain the benefits of this particular secret that i learned and there's no better way to do it than in a car so here's the deal every fuel-injected corvette from c4 all the way on up through c7 maybe even the c8 i don't know has something that is called flood clear what is flood clear flood clear is if your engine ends up getting flooded uh with fuel uh say you've got a leaky uh pressure control modulator let's say you've got a leaky injector or two and for whatever reason your car won't start because it's flooded there is a way in these cars to have the engine turn over and clear all of that without actually firing and starting the engine so i'm going to show you how that works in this c6 and it works similarly in the 4 5 and 7. after that i'm going to tell you what i think the real use of this particular new to me information is so here's what you do what we're looking at here guys is the start accessory button for the c6 now normally when this is an automatic car so normally when you go to start this car you put your foot on the brake and you touch the button to start the car right super simple if you want to do the flood clear function it's real simple you do the exact same thing but you put your foot on the gas pedal and push it all the way to the floor put your left foot on the brake and press this button now what will happen is and i'll do it here in a second the car is going to turn the engine over and over and over and over again without giving it any fuel and it'll help it'll clear out any residual fuel that's in the cylinders and and just get everything cleaned up and ready to go at one point you'll hear it cranking and then i'm going to step off of the gas pedal and the car will start normally so here we go foot on gas left foot on brake touch start button you hear it cranking cranking clearing clearing i'm going to step off the gas car starts normally again you're in a c4 and a c5 you're going to use the key to do that and the c6 c7 you're going to use the push button but that's exactly how that works okay now that you know that that actually exists let me tell you what i think the bigger benefit to this is let's say you are i don't know getting ready to put your car away for the winter if you haven't already and this car is going to be sitting for a few months without going anywhere well what happens to the oil in your engine when the car sits for two three four five six months all the oil drains down into the pan to the point where there's not really even enough residual oil to provide correct lubrication at startup so you do the flood clear what else is running when you're having the engine cycle like that without firing fuel into it the oil pump so what you can do is using this function you can send oil all the way up to the top of your engine let it get pumped up and lubricated and then you step off the gas and the car will start normally with lubrication rather than waiting for lubrication to get there once the engine is already running so the fact that i didn't know this blew my mind and i know that this is a small you know maybe use it once a year if ever kind of thing but when i learned something new after this many years of doing this i was really excited to share it with you so i hope you find this useful if you have questions you can contact me at lyle@corvettepartscenter.com uh also please don't forget like and subscribe so i can continue to learn new things and bring them to you as i do thank you very much for watching and i'll see you soon