Bluetooth Audio in your older Corvette
Video Transcript [Music] good morning everybody welcome back to Lyles Friday podcast here at C&S Corvette's I know I have been absent for the last few weeks and I apologize we have been inundated at the shop with all the work we canceled when we shut down for a month plus all the new work that's coming in not that I'm complaining mind you because that's good for us but I have been extremely busy to the point where I haven't even been able to make a video so I took time right after our Friday morning meeting today to film this so that I can share something really neat with you this is not a major Corvette specific technical information bonanza however I received a lot of calls from customers in the last months asking about converting to a new stereo system in their c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 they want to gut the entire system whole new head unit all new stuff because what they really want is bluetooth so that they can take the music from their phone and play it in their car guys I know that most of you spend time on Amazon but for those of you who aren't super technically savvy and maybe you really don't understand bluetooth and what it portends and how it works this video is for you believe me when I tell you you do not have to switch stereo systems you do not have to gut the inside of your car like a fish you don't have to do any of those things in order to use bluetooth what you have is you have a plug-in Bluetooth adapter okay this particular one came out of my own car I bought it about a year and a half two years ago on Amazon in fact I checked today these are $16.99 delivered right now on Amazon I am making no money on this part I don't sell it I'm not promoting this particular brand what I'm promoting here is the idea and how it's going to help you listen to your music in your car without having to install in your stereo system just so we're all on the same page so what I want you to understand is this plugs into your cigarette lighter I don't care what car you have if you have a 66 or a 2006 it works the same you plug this in and right here there's a digital screen that comes up and you're going to select a radio station in your area that has nothing on it that's really simple turn on your FM radio in your car and go through station by station until you have nothing but static and set this to that then you simply hook your phone into this by going to your Bluetooth settings it tells you what to look for there's a little name this thing as on - hy8 - you hit hya - they talk to each other and all of a sudden wallah you have all of the music on your phone is readily available right here to play through your radio the quality's excellent and you can cycle through you can do everything you can do with a big Bluetooth stereo right out of this little unit now some of the other things about this that are really cool I'll bet you don't have hands-free calling in your 1978 right would you like it okay spend 1699 and when you plug this thing into your cigarette lighter and you hook it into your phone there is actually a tiny microphone right here on the side of this thing I don't even know if you can see it little dot when you're listening to your music and your phone rings this little guy automatically pauses whatever you are listening to and if you hit answer on your phone it will play the call over your speakers and it will listen to you through the microphone in this little unit and you can have a conversation hands-free no extra charge really cool right in addition if you aren't savvy with if you don't have a smart phone if you're not used to doing this stuff most people even if they're not smartphone users have a PC at home even by accident so if you don't want to carry 46 different CDs with you when you're driving around you can always plug those CDs into your PC load them and then save them to a thumb drive beautiful thing about a little thumb drive this unit has a specific slot actually it's on this one it's the it's the 1 amp slot you simply just plug this in and now you can play your music right from here so if you if you know how to put files on to a thumb drive you can use it the same way of course this has the advantage also of you can fast charge your phone through here it does a lot of neat stuff guys but most of all it allows you to play the music you want to hear the audio books you want to hear without having to change out your stereo system and like I own four of these one for each of my cars but you can if you only want to space 1699 once pull it out in one car plug it into another car it's good to go it's quite happy to do the job no matter where you put it I can't speak highly enough about this because I've used it myself for almost two years it's never failed me it does everything it's supposed to do and it saves you so much money time and effort if what you're trying to achieve is access to your digital music in your older car now I know that many of you who are watching this are like Lyle we've known about this for a decade why are you telling us about this this video isn't pointed at you guys this video is pointed at the people who maybe don't have such a great familiarity with modern technology because they don't do them they're Internet's or they simply don't understand how smartphones work whatever these are the people that are talking about spending thousands of dollars on a stereo that they don't need so if we can marginally educate them and save them a lot of money with something that works really well just like this I think we're doing them a big service so I appreciate you not commenting and telling me how I'm behind the times because this isn't aimed at you guys that said I hope you all have a wonderful weekend I will be shooting two or three different videos next week so I'm going to start amping up now that we're getting back to normality putting out a lot more information I appreciate your support and I look forward to seeing you next week as always make sure you click the like and subscribe button if you have questions feel free to call me at 800-886-5064 have a great weekend guys [Music]