C4 Corvette Values, 1984-1996 Corvettes, 2021 update
Video Transcript [Music] hello everybody welcome to lyle's podcast i want to talk to you today about what's happening specifically with c4 corvettes in post-pandemic america but before we get there please take the time to like and subscribe to this video because that's the type of thing that really allows me to keep doing this above and beyond all my other duties and it really allows me to bring you more and more content especially when new ideas crop up in my head i like to shoot them right away while they're still fresh in here so the more subscribers i get the more interaction i get the better it is for me and the more i can do for you thank you in advance now let's get to it all right guys last week i gave you an overview of my opinion and considering my last prognostication probably questionable opinion about what is happening with c567 and c8 values postcovid here in america today i want to cover the c4s in the same vein now i left them out in particular because i wanted to speak about them specifically because they're going through a unique phase different from the later cars and i wanted to address it separately so let's get into that c4s are seeing a rise in value on the nicest c4s the top 25 percent of cars the ones you look at and they're like beautiful those cars are doing well they're going up in value just like the five sixes sevens and eights are right now i've seen them bringing anywhere from twelve to twenty thousand dollars for a really nice example of a ninety three four five six that is just really nice no questions no well there was that one time the meteor hit it none of that it's just a nice car those cars are going up in value the c4s that are in the middle that are decent drivers have gone up a little bit but not a great deal maybe 10 percent and they're still readily available out there the interesting cars are the ones that are at the say bottom 40 percent the cars that maybe aren't the most beautiful aren't the most perfect uh paint is interiors but they're still running driving cars here's what i'm seeing with those cars younger people and by younger people i don't mean just younger than me i mean people in their late teens and early to mid 20s are picking up these cars and kind of giving them a new life now they're not approaching it like we're used to seeing restoration approached in older more valuable cars uh they're not going through and spending thirty thousand dollars to bring it back to its former glory they're taking what's there making it mechanically sound and doing what they can with the greatly expanded availability of aftermarket components available today to make it their own i have seen guys who have picked up 86 88 89 cars that were rough but still mechanically sound and they are stripping them down and doing a cheap wrap on them to make them all one color they are getting rid of a lot of the electronics inside you know that hell you want to do a set of c4 seats fresh like factory original you're going to spend parts in labor close to 2 000 for seat covers foam mounting kit and labor or you can get rid of all that you can buy a set of inexpensive racing seats off of amazon for about 390 bucks for the pair mount them to just regular sliding old-school c-track assemblies and you've got brand new seats that work better than the originals did for a fraction of the price these guys aren't necessarily worried about making sure that the bose system is restored they get rid of the bose system you can go out in today's market and buy a completely new head unit small amplifier and four new speakers installed for a fraction of what it would cost to restore the existing bose system in that car and you're going to end up with a whole bunch of features that no one had even thought of back in 86 87 88 like bluetooth hands-free calling all that cool stuff and again you're going to spend less money and have something better than the car was born with thankfully there are plenty of inexpensive tires especially if you go to 17 or 18 inch wheels with the correct offset top wheels are not terribly expensive you can buy a set of nice wheels for six seven eight hundred bucks for the set new you can buy a set of tires for four or five hundred bucks new all these things work into making these cars they're not being they're being loved in a different way than they used to be in the c2 and c3 world where the only answer was to bring them back and make them show room perfect these younger people are taking the cars and the money they have available and making them work for them and making them usable again for a lot less money than restorations cost and i find that to be really interesting in fact i've seen people who have taken c4s stripped all the bodywork off of them put two bucket seats in them no windows no glass nothing and turned it into what they call a track cart here's a picture of one here that i found on the internet and they go out and they run them at the track what an interesting way to make use of the incredible way ahead of its time handling ability of that car and have fun with it without putting a bunch of money into it you save a bunch of weight you don't have to paint anything you weld in a cage you're good to go that's a neat idea guys and i love the c4 because it was so far ahead of its time and it did so many things well for the time the crazy thing is a lot of those things it still does better than most cars available today for a whole lot more money and if you treat them right and you do the right things in a smart way you can have a lot of fun in a car that cost you three four five grand there's not another car on the planet that can do what that car can do for that money so you personalize it to yourself you use the aftermarket what works and what you can fit into your budget and you make something that is your own that is unique and it is a ton of fun without breaking the bank if you are working on a c4 and you're doing something similar to this i'd love for you to share pictures of that with me your comments below and i'd love to hear more about what you're finding maybe some of the tricks you've learned through the aftermarket to make the cars even better i'm going to include what i find from you guys in a supplement video that i'm going to do in a few weeks about this very subject and i look forward to hearing from you your comments your thoughts and most of all thank you for liking and subscribing have a great weekend [Music]