C6 Corvette Headlight Lens Replacement Service
Transcript [Music] hello everybody and welcome to Lyles Friday podcast it's been a very rainy week here in Florida this week and I've spent a lot of time inside now if you look right behind me you can see a red 1991 Corvette that I am currently putting a new interior in new seats new carpets it's gonna be beautiful when we're all done so I just thought I'd do my video from my workspace right here but we're not gonna be talking about a 1991 Corvette we're gonna be talking about c6 headlights now you've probably seen my videos already on the LED headlights and tail lights made by Morimoto they're fantastic we're installing a lot of them but not everybody wants to go to a different style headlight we love them but not everybody does so for those of you who have c6 headlights that need help there is a solution okay now I've got a c6 headlight assembly in front of me here and you can see that it has a clear lens that is bonded to a big plastic body and a rubber seal attached all the way around it okay what happens over time is that this plastic begins to craze and it begins to crack and even if you can't see it during the daytime at night when you turn your lights on looks like you're shooting through frost which especially on a rainy night makes things really difficult to see it diffuses the light to such degree that your headlights really aren't doing very much at all in worst case scenarios especially here in the south the headlight lens itself starts to yellow and look really old so you've got this beautiful wax queen c6 Corvette and dingy yellow had kills the value of the car kills the sale ability of the car as well there is a solution for that color there is a company that is making replacement lenses just like this one and they are do t certified and they are UV coated so that they don't rot in the Sun right away over the next 10 years they well just like your originals did but especially if you're trying to make your car look from nice for the next two to five years or you're trying to sell your car this is going to solve this problem for the foreseeable future now the process of replacing these is not simple it involves just like you saw in our Morimoto video removing the front bumper from the car loosening the fender is taking some other panels out of the way to access and get these lights out once these are out they have to go in and Puppet at 350 degrees for quite a while then you pull them out and you have to by hand separate that clear lens from the plastic base without messing up the mounting surface it is time-consuming and it requires a considerable amount of skill so the job of taking your headlights and putting new lenses on them with a new rubber seal it costs about 895 for the pair of headlights know by the time you factor in how much it cost to take your bumper off and loosen the fenders or especially if you're paying somebody to do this and you're not doing it girl at home hey you're gonna be right at the cost the LED updated models which is why we like them so much but if you truly want to keep your original lights we can solve the headlight lens problem for you it's paint 95 takes about a week to do if you have more questions about that process or your have questions about how to get your headlights out anything to do with this please please please call me at 800-866-5064 or email me at lyle@CorvettepartsCenter.com either way I look forward to hearing from you about your questions regarding anything to do with c6 headlights or taillights until next week have a good weekend [Music]